Profesionálne fotografovanie interiéru a architektúry kdekoľvek na Slovensku, po dohode aj v zahraničí. Pri interiérovej fotografii možnosť dosvietenia štúdiovými svetlami a štylizácie interiéru. V exteriérovej fotografii je dôležitá svetelná atmosféra, preto je potrebné fotografovanie plánovať s ohľadom na otočenie stavby, dennú dobu, ročné obdobie a počasie. Možnosť večernej a nočnej fotografie so svetelnými efektami a luminografiou. Postprodukčné úpravy fotografií, retuše podľa priania klienta a možnosť výberu z viacerých záberov sú samozrejmosťou. Dlhoročné fotografické skúsenosti a špecializácia na fotografiu interiéru a architektúry sú zárukou spokojnosti klientov v tejto oblasti.
A professional photo shoot of the interior and architecture is available anywhere in Slovakia or abroad, depending on the previous agreement. Interior photo shoot is also available with an option of an extra lighting with studio lights and with a stylization of the interior. Regarding an exterior photography the light atmosphere is very important, therefore it is important to plan photo shoot considering the location of the building, day time, season and a weather. There is a possibility of the evening or night photography with the light effects or luminography. Postproductional adjustment of the photographs, retouch according to clients wish and choice from several pictures is obvious. A long-term photographic experience and a specialization on the photography of the interior and architecture is a guarantee of the clients satisfaction in this sphere.
klient: K.F.A., arch. Norbert Šmondrk, vila, Bratislava
client: K.F.A., arch. Norbert Šmondrk, a villa, Bratislava
klient: SLOVNAFT, arch. Alexy, Čerpacia stanica SLOVNAFT, Prístavná, Bratislava
client: SLOVNAFT, arch. Alexy, the petrol station SLOVNAFT, Prístavná, Bratislava
klient: SwissRe, TwinCity, Bratislava
client: SwissRe, TwinCity, Bratislava
klient KFA - art, arch. Norbert Šmondrk, rodinný dom, Nová baňa
client KFA - art, arch. Norbert Šmondrk, family house, Nová baňa
klient: architektonický atelier VanJarina, projekt Potocky, Stará Bystrica
client: VanJarina architects, project Potocky, Stará Bystrica
klient: architektonický atelier VanJarina, projekt Megonky
client: VanJArina architects, project Megonky
klient: GATE, EFF, predajňa GATE, Wroclaw
client: GATE, EFF, the GATE shop, Wroclaw
klient: K.F.A., arch. Norbert Šmondrk, vila, Bratislava
client: K.F.A., arch. Norbert Šmondrk, villa, Bratislava
klient: VanJarina, drevostavba, Vrútky
client: VanJarina, a wooden construction, Vrútky
klient: TECHO, showroom RedBridge, Bratislava
client: TECHO, showroom RedBridge, Bratislava
klient: ALEXY, Svornosť, Interpharm, Bratislava
client: ALEXY, Svornosť, Interpharm, Bratislava
klient: LANG BENEDEK ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS, rodinný dom, Pezinok
client: LANG BENEDEK ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS, a family house, Pezinok
klient: IDEE, interiér bytu, Bratislava
client: IDEE, a flat interior, Bratislava
klient: DESIGN IN, byt s terasou, Bratislava
client: DESIGN IN, a flat with terrace, Bratislava
klient: K.F.A., Norbert Šmondrk, interiér, Nová Baňa
client: K.F.A., Norbert Šmondrk, an interior, Nová Baňa
klient: TECHO, arch. ALEXY, interiér TOMRA SORTING, Senec
client: TECHO, arch. ALEXY, an interior TOMRA SORTING, Senec
klient: Slovnaft, cerpacie stanice, Slovensko
client: Slovnaft, petrol stations, Slovakia
klient: TECHO, IBM, Krakow
client: TECHO, IBM, Krakow
klient: SEEB, TECHO, FM LOGISTIC, logistické centrum Sereď
client: SEEB, TECHO, FM LOGISTIC, the logistic centre Sereď
client: EUROPEUM FURNITURE FACTORY, an interior EVEKTOR, Kvasiny
klient: EUROPEUM FURNITURE FACTORY, showroom Bory Bývanie, Bratislava
client: EUROPEUM FURNITURE FACTORY, showroom Bory Bývanie, Bratislava
klient: architektonický ateliér VanJarina, námestie Nová Bystrica
client: the architectural atelier VanJarina, the square in Nová Bystrica
klient: mesto Stará Bystrica a architektonický ateliér VanJarina, orloj v Starej Bystrici
client: the town Stará Bystrica and the architectural atelier VanJarina, the astronomical clock in Stará Bystrica
klient: A+D magazine,Petržalka City, Bratislava
client: A+D magazine,Petržalka City, Bratislava